Work Health
and Safety Boots in Construction
SWMS is a legal document that one has to fill in before work can begin on their construction site, and describes the hazardous activities that will be carried out, the dangers they pose to the worker or residents in a residential area, and measures put in place to minimize these dangers.
You have always admired your boss in that construction company you work for. You like the intrigues of the construction industry, and have vowed to one day come up with your own company, and your dream has come true! Having gone through the registration process, met all the legal requirements and got approval, you are now the proud owner of XYZ Construction Company Inc. Congratulations!
You now need to set the ground running. You and your family or core office employees must get those who will do the actual work. And you have contacted several, plus those who followed you from your previous company because they liked you and determined not to be left behind. There are so many things you have to put in place, so many hiring issues to take care of and regulations to abide by.
This article is here to help you tackle one of the key regulation issues that can make you face dire consequences if ignored – Work Health and Safety Boots. The construction industry is very rough and workers daily face many risks. Every country has strict laws to ensure that workers’ health and safety are not compromised, and the UK government is no exception.
Hazards associated with the construction industry include working with heavy machinery which could malfunction causing injury, facing dangers relating to electricity, being in enclosed places for extended length of time, inhaling fumes from chemicals such as bitumen, asbestos and other dust consistently, coming into contact with vibrating machines, exposer to great heights which can result to fatal falls, carrying out duties under high temperatures and getting exposed to Ultra Violet rays, sometimes working in very cold temperatures, great physical strains, gases, emissions, and Very high levels of noise. Some of these hardships cause chronical diseases such as skin cancer and asthma, hence the need to take protective measures seriously.
The government has laws that govern how workers can be protected while they work in a construction site. The law clearly details what the employer should do to create a work environment that is safe for all, and that the same employer must inform their employee what role to play in order to be safe. The management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 for example says that employers in construction companies must assess amount of risk at a site and minimize or eradicate them, have an officer in charge of health and safety, and train their workforce on health and safety and company policy regarding the same.
To protect yourself from law suits and an unnecessary fines, ensure you people are protected. Of key importance is Health and Safety training. Before your contractors embark on work at a site, make sure they have been trained on both government regulation and your own rules and policy as a company. Such training will of course cover areas that are dangerous, for example deep holes that are not covered, exposed electric wires, faulty connections, malfunctioning machines and protocol for reporting the same, and areas to avoid altogether.
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulation 1992 for deals with protective clothing. This Acct states that an employer should provide protective clothing to their staff who are exposed to various risks at an extended period of time, if such hazards cannot be prevented. Safety boots fall under this law. Being an employer in the construction company, you have the obligation to give protective boots to your workers.
Being an employer in the construction company, you have the obligation to give protective boots to your workers. There are dangers that can only be avoided by protecting against. For example the workers cannot avoid dealing with accidental fall of objects. These can crash their toes or feet. Some of them have to spray dangerous chemicals. Nails and sharp pieces of metal are common place in a construction site. Walking on wetting areas that could lead to slips, trips, falls, and resulting fractures. Moving heavy objects from floor to floor, lifting them overhead, moving around weighty pipes which can fall on their feet, and cause injury.
When you protect your workers from injury or death, it will motivate them to stay with you longer, develop loyalty and take pride in their work. This will result in efficiency and high levels of productivity. Another reason is that you want to comply with all government regulations so as to avoid trouble.
Worker protection at construction is so seriously considered by the government that it goes ahead to stipulate the kind of boots that should be used by who and for which kind of hazards they should be worn. Please note that safety boots take care of toes only and not the entire foot. Construction industry boots need are manly used to protect the toes and a good protective cap against high impact (marked with SB rating). These boots should have the middle section sole hardened to prevent sharp objects going through.
In addition, ensure you have a good grip to the ground to prevent against falls. Another criteria to look for is that your boots can walk assist you feel comfortable on ground that is not level, and that they can help the worker stand the whole day without strain. Nor should they be too heavy such that they become another weight to carry around. As such, the shoes need to have enough room for toes to be free and not squashed.
Work Health and Safety Boots in Construction should be given due attention, because of the nature of the industry and health risks involved. This will assist your company become compliant with government regulations and keep away from court cases, fines, absenteeism due to injuries and ill-health – all which can be avoided by having necessary measures in place.
Boots are very important for your men. Whose responsibility is it to provide them? As a construction company owner, the government says it is your responsibility to provide protective shoes to your workers. It is of benefit to you also because, well, no one sees an injured worker, right in their premises without feeling concern. It will also rob you of valuable man-hours lost, because you have to pay the injured person even when they are not working as the injury occurred in the course of duty.
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